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ARE YOU EATING RIGHT? A starter guide

Good nutrition means your body gets all the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals it needs to work at its best. Benefits include reducing the risk of some diseases, reducing high blood pressure, improving your ability to fight off illness, and increasing your energy level.

With obesity rates going up, many people are opting for deliberate measures to watch what they eat. Others have chosen to take their wellness more seriously and embarked on work out routines.

Good nutrition means your body gets all the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals it needs to work at its best. The benefits of this include reducing the risk of some diseases, reducing high blood pressure, lowering your cholesterol, improving your well-being, improving your ability to fight off illness, and increasing your energy level.

Let’s share tips on how a newbie, seeking to embark on a healthy eating routine can go about it.

The tips are according to Atamba Lakeli, a wellness professional health coach with ALT.Lifestyle Health and Fitness.


If you have no time, prepare 2 boiled eggs, have them with vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes or carrots) and pour some olive oil over them.

Have this with a lot of water or tea (without refined sugar).

Consider oats (boiled) with grapes, banana or other fruits.

Alternatively, you can blend fruits and make a smoothie.

Avoid snacks in the middle of the day. Replace the snacks with water because it helps with your metabolism.

According to Lakeli, one should consume 3 litres of water a day.


Many people fall for the temptation of mixing up carbohydrates and having them in one meal. Don’t’. choose one carbohydrate for a meal. Either matooke, irish potatoes or cassava.

Then ensure your plate also has a protein – beans, green peas or peanuts (gnut paste).

Your lunch plate should have vegetables. You can opt for kachumbali, carrots and cucumber. If you are carrying a pack of vegetables to the office, squeeze some lemon into it to keep it fresh.

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It is important to have dinner 3 hours before you go to bed.

Consider a plate with proteins, vegetables and a glass of water.

If you work at night, indulge in carbohydrates.

Do not extend your sleep. Sleep on time to avoid the temptation of midnight eating.

How much food must you put on a single plate?

Often times, you will load your plate with a mountain of food. Lakeli recommends a yardstick that will help you determine how much food to eat in one meal.

She recommends using a fistful or palm for everything. Look at your fist and imagine it full of matoke or potatoes. That should be enough.

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