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Canary and Sasha enjoying breakfast at Kyangabi Resort.


INTERVIEW: Canary Mugume and wife on their short honeymoon, the romance and arguing about food

In an exclusive interview with Plugged, the two shared what honeymoon in the wild, in Western Uganda, was like for them. Their getaway was disrupted with work considering Canary had to fly to Italy for work.

NBS TV anchor, Canary Mugume and wife Sasha Ferguson have shared their honeymoon experience, saying their “good” and “romantic” moment was cut short by work duties.

The Mugumes exchanged wedding vows in September. Their wedding came five months after Canary proposed to Sasha. They had been dating for eight years.

In an exclusive interview with Plugged, the two shared what honeymoon in the wild, in Western Uganda, was like for them. Their getaway was disrupted with work considering Canary had to fly to Italy for work.

The Q&A is a response by Canary but also captures his wife’s sentiments.

PLUGGED: Everyone fantasizes about honeymoon and what they hope it turns out to be. What do you remember being your ideal honeymoon experience?

RESPONSE: My ideal honeymoon experience was a moment away from everyone, a moment away from our phones, a moment for just of us, to look at the future and renew our goals.

Is that what it eventually turned-out like? Or was the actual experience different?

Oh, actually yes. We had a moment away from the noise of Kampala. Our biggest goal was to get married, we had just completed that; and we had a whole future ahead of us to plan. But also, we had a good time, getting used to the fact that we are married.

Who picked your honeymoon destination? Was it something you both disagreed on? Did each one have a favorite destination?

We picked our honeymoon destination months before the wedding. We agreed on it and planned out the experience.

Going by your Instagram posts, it appears you spent your honeymoon in Rubirizi district at Kyangabi Resort. Many would choose to get out of the country. Why did you pick that destination?

We do not like to disclose where we were.

How long did your honeymoon last?

Our honeymoon was two weeks. But even after it ended, we felt like we needed more time because it was cut short by work. I had to travel to Italy for work. So, we decided to resume our honeymoon during our work leave.

What things did you do while on honeymoon?

We visited national parks, explored nature and went around looking for plants to plant at home.

Do you like throw away your phones to avoid distractions? You didn’t post a lot during honeymoon.

Our phones had a lot of texts from the wedding, it was a time to plan the future after the wedding, not to reply messages. Phones distract you, and you fail to live in the moment.

Is there like a manual of Dos & Donts while on honeymoon? Is this something that bothered you individually? Did you seek guidance from older colleagues? Or did you just dive into it with an open mind?

We wanted our own unique experience. We therefore developed an itinerary for each day, and therefore every day was unique. We discovered things about ourselves we hadn’t known about each other for 8 years. So it is important to live the moment! And that, was the ‘do and the don’t.’

Does honeymoon come with too much daily pressure to keep ‘affectionately correct’ towards your partner? To avoid pissing them off during this very special period?

Actually no, honeymoon is much more relaxed. There’s nothing that feels good like the period immediately after the wedding. The wedding has a lot of pressure, and when it is done, no one cares whether you want to look affectionately correct or not. There’s nothing to hide, or prove after the wedding.

Were there moments that creeped in where you argued about something? Petty as it may be? Like what?

We argued about food. I thought that after the wedding, it was a good moment to start off a lifestyle of green diet. But we ended up eating very unhealthy foods, consoling ourselves that; ‘this is a reward for getting married after 8 years of dating.’ I left with much more weight from honeymoon. I didn’t feel healthy.

There’s this popular belief that honeymoon is about nothing else but romance. Is this what yours was?

You can’t avoid romance on honeymoon. It is literary what brings you together. At every second, the flashbacks of the wedding drop into your mind. It is unavoidable!

People also believe kids are made during honeymoon. Should we expect a baby nine months later?

We prefer not to say.

What kind of conversations were you preoccupied with during honeymoon?

Conversations about the wedding. What did we see? What went right or wrong? Who attended? Who missed? What should we have done at the wedding, that we didn’t do? The wedding just won’t leave your mind. And of course, what next?

Did you get the privacy you deserved?

We chose a place very far from here (Kampala), where we knew we would play, love and laugh without the fear of being judged. So, yes! We got the privacy we deserved.

What was your highlight?

The highlight for me, was how much relaxed I had felt in a very long time.

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