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UNPOPULAR MUSINGS: Women are so complicated, or maybe not!

Apparently, in women’s eyes, as in God’s, all good deeds are the same, as are all sins. What does this mean? Well, if you go and buy a car for your woman today, you earn one point and if you forget to send the money to her mother like you promised, you lose one point.

I have always been intrigued by human behavior. In fact, I can safely say that I am mildly obsessed with human nature. I guess part of it is fueled by the age-old question that has gone unsatisfactorily unanswered for generations past.

Who are we?

The more I try to understand why we act the way we do, why we are the way we are, the more complex the questions get and the deeper I have to look.

The things I talk about are not necessarily scientific facts and there’s surely no “one-size-fits-all” way to look at it but I genuinely believe that if we all chose to look at things with an open mind, then maybe, we would judge less, argue less, fight less.

Easier spoken than done though. However, as you interact with my thoughts in this piece, I beseech you to try as much as you can to keep an open mind. Think of it as though it can be neither right nor wrong. Think of it as simply random thoughts of a random person and then, make of it what you will.

Now, almost every man you ask will gladly tell you how complicated and difficult to please women are. There are people who have dedicated themselves solely to trolling “that gender” and highlighting how indecisive, cold-hearted and at times outrightly evil the “daughters of Eve” (or Jezebel) are. There’s this legendary joke that has been around for ages;

“Who are we?”


“What do we want?”

“We don’t know!”

“When do we want it?”


This, and many others have painted the narrative that the female gender is simply impossible to understand. I thought long and hard about the things men find hard to comprehend and the harder I tried to understand, the more I realized that men might be looking at this all wrong.

Take an example of men’s idea of impressing women. They unanimously agree that expensive gifts are the magical key that will soften even the toughest of hearts. Tales are told of men who constructed cities and palaces, commissioned works of art, bought the finest jewels for their women to impress them.

You might have heard of the Hanging gardens of Babylon and the Taj Mahal, the Mona Lisa or La. All throughout history, men have gone to great lengths to impress ladies with items of material value and generations have picked up the trait in all capacities.

Hanging gardens of Babylon

Now, allow me to burst your bubble. Did you actually know that (and this is scientifically proven) women possess a points-awarding system in their brains that awards and deducts points from the men they are in a relationship with in the entire duration of the relationship?

You didn’t? Well, me neither. Until I had a conversation with a friend of mine a few years ago. He intimated to me that while men will often struggle to make the “one big impression” on the opposite sex whether they are pursuing romance or making an impression after a successful conquest, women on the other hand have an in-built system that awards points (or a point) every time a man impresses them and the reverse is also true. This system deducts points (or a point) whenever men mess up, which apparently is most, if not all the time!

It gets even better. This points-system awards….wait for it….. 1 point (yes, one point) for an impressive action and deducts 1 point for a messed up one. All in equal measure.

Apparently, in women’s eyes, as in God’s, all good deeds are the same, as are all sins. What does this mean? Well, if you go and buy a car for your woman today, you earn one point and if you forget to send the money to her mother like you promised, you lose one point.

Similarly, if you cheat on her, you lose one point, and if you surprise her with a pizza delivery at work, you gain one point. It goes on and on.

You don’t believe it? I know, at first, I didn’t either, but the more I tested it and asked my female friends (indirectly of course), the clearer it became. Haven’t you ever wondered why some women stay in relationships that on the outside seem like a match made in hell?

Unknown to the onlooker, almost in all cases, the man has a pile of 1-pointers in his favor, tiny little things that have accumulated into valuable points over time that when he drops big clangers, whatever points he is supposed to lose are cushioned by the accumulation of seemingly small deeds but of equal value as the big f*** up. It is a game of numbers gentlemen!

Now, before you rubbish this theory, test it out. I’m not saying you go out and cheat on your lady, or do some dumb stuff. But keep it at the back of your mind that as you do nice things for the lady, the points are stacked up one per act and deducted in equal measure.

So, try and stack them as high as you can before you start complaining how hard women are to love simply because just the other day you bought her a new iPhone and now she is mad because you “just” came late for the movie date she had planned. In her point-system, you have 0 points!

All deeds are equal!

So, see? Maybe if men understood these simple basics, we would have far less women-trolling memes and stickers!

Just think about it, with an open mind.

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